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WordHuddle News!
June 1, 2022
Scroll down to see your statistics after the game is over (also available by using the icon).
July 22, 2022
Added dark mode! Use the new icon.
January 1, 2023
Big changes to the layout and scoring, with only small changes to the underlying gameplay. It's too much to fit here, so please see the Twitter post. The short summary is that guessing and solving got merged into a single play mechanism, with scoring based on the number of guesses used, always out of 10.
January 14, 2023
A link to Classic WordHuddle.
January 18, 2023
Option to keep guessing just for fun.
January 26, 2023
Added survey about possible new features.
April 1, 2023
New puzzle types!
About today's puzzle
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The WordHuddle puzzle team is on vacation. In the meantime, play any of the old WordHuddle puzzles.
The version of WordHuddle you are playing right now was released in January 2022. By popular demand, the previous, classic version of WordHuddle is also available. The classic version uses a "par" scoring system instead of the star ⭐ ratings in this new version. You can use the link below to go to the old version. If you like the classic version better, please use the Help dialog box or the "Rate today's puzzle" link to let me know why you like the classic version better. The more details, the more helpful it will be to me.

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Today's puzzle solution is two words that rhyme. The hint gives you information about both words. For instance, if the hint was:

A cowardly, black bird

The answer would be:


This style of puzzle was inspired by the game twofergoofer.com.
Today's puzzle solution is two things or expressions that share a word. The shared word ends the first thing/expression and starts the second thing/expression. For instance, if the hint was:

Radioactive byproduct / pointless activity

The answer would be:


The word WASTE ends the first expression, NUCLEAR WASTE, and starts the second expression, WASTE OF TIME.
Today's puzzle solution is two things or expressions that end with the same word. For instance, if the hint was:

Generational chart / syrup source

The answer would be:


The word TREE ends the first expression, FAMILY TREE, and also ends the second exprssion, MAPLE TREE.